miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

eTwinning in 140

Last week I started learning many things related to eTwinning through the 2nd edition of the Open eTwinning MOOC.
This course is going to be carried out until the first week of June and, during this time, I will have to develop different activities. One of the tasks that I have been asked to complete this week was to tweet in 140 characters what eTwinning means to me. This was my tweet:

So for a general idea, 140 characters is enough. But if we want to give more information it's obvious that we will need more than that.

When we talk about eTwinning, we refer to a community of schools, teachers and students from Europe that want to develop projects taking into account the social, historical and cultural background of the different participants.
This is the reason why eTwinning is the tool to never stop learning. We can always find someone with our same interests and education needs as cooperation is the main objective.

Thinking of the possible eTwinning projects that can be carried out, there's no limit. Everything you can think of can be done.
This is a great learning opportunity not only for students but also for teachers as they all learn something. On the one hand, students can learn history and culture facts about the co-worker country, practice the second or third language that they are studying, get to know the differences between their own country and the team member country. And on the other hand teachers can exchange their teaching experiences, methodoligies, assesments, etc. Something like a job shadowing with the convinience that you can do everything from yout r school by using a computer and ICT's.
This is why eTwinning is a classroom with no walls or borders.

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