sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

Starting week 3: my worries

Today I'm starting week three and, as a beginning I should say I am feeling a bit stressed because I'm not confident about myself and my ability to work on this "huge" project.
I have some ideas that I would carry out, but the problem is I don't really know from where to start and, once have started, how to develop the whole project. It's like there is no order in my brain!
This is my first time working on collaborative projects and this is the reason why I feel so worried and unsure about it.
Hopefully, by the end of this course and, with the help of the teachers and my colleagues, I will be able to manage all these disturbing feelings.

Taking into account the question "is it possible to share ideas and suggestions with colleagues?", it must be said that the answer is yes. Of course, YES!
Not only eTwinning, but the whole access to the internet gives us the opportunity as teachers to exchange, share, complete, learn... everything that we can think of.
This is something very productive, encouraging and motivating because ten years ago, the only opportunity to exchange experiences as teachers was to talk to coworkers at the school or colleagues at courses. But nowadays, everything is in our screens.

Collaboration, cooperation, coworking, involvement... are very powerful words in terms of teaching so....


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